Tech Research Support

From January 2024 the new organisation of AU’s research support was launched. The new unit, Tech Research Support (TRS) based at the Dean's Secretariat at Technical Sciences, will take over the support of a wide range of foundations and programmes which were previously supported by the AU Research Support Office at central level.

Tech Research Support aims to assist throughout the application process – anywhere between idea and completed application. We strive to inform, connect and advice every Tech department and centre to help them navigate in the funding landscape and achieve more and better funding still.

The scientific coordinators will continue to provide research support locally, and they will act as Tech Research Support's link to the departments. However, everyone is welcome to contact Tech Research Support directly – whether they are in the beginning of the process or at a later stage.

Tech Research Support consists of three funding coordinators:

Torben Juul Classen

Funding Coordinator, lead.

+45 2060 6256

Karin Lykke

Funding Coordinator

+45 2060 5669

Kirstine Abild

Funding Coordinator

+45  2066 9581