Do you know your employment rights? Maybe you feel lost in all the AU systems? Or would like to meet new colleagues? Then the AU Workplace in Focus is…
Would you like to visit AU's new Exam Hall before the start of the summer exam period? Then come to an open house event. Registration not necessary.
Aarhus University will be opening its doors to the general public for the Festival of Research on Wednesday 23 April in and around Stakladen.…
Join us for a challenge-focused conference on research-based solutions for accelerating the green transition of agrifood systems.
The aim of the symposia series is to accelerate the transition to more plant-based food consumption by maximizing the impact of: Plant2Food,…
Want to know more about the use of generative AI in research? Then sign up for this Circle U. webinar. It's free and relevant for researchers from all…
A unique opportunity for academic researchers to access funding and for industry professionals to connect with the latest innovations in open science.
Interested in getting concrete, actionable input and sharing experiences on diversity and inclusion? Then join us for the conference ‘Fostering an…
As a postdoc, tenure-track staff, and newly recruited to a Danish university there is an expectation that you will be involved in fundraising.…