Do you know your employment rights? Maybe you feel lost in all the AU systems? Or would like to meet new colleagues? Then the AU Workplace in Focus is…
Kom og vær med, når vi onsdag den 23. april på Aarhus Universitet forvandler Stakladen og de omkringliggende lokaler til en legeplads for nysgerrige…
Join us for a challenge-focused conference on research-based solutions for accelerating the green transition of agrifood systems.
Are you a university researcher looking to connect with others interested in drug discovery and diagnostics?
The aim of the symposia series is to accelerate the transition to more plant-based food consumption by maximizing the impact of: Plant2Food,…
A unique opportunity for academic researchers to access funding and for industry professionals to connect with the latest innovations in open science.
Nu har du chancen for at få ny viden, høre om konkrete cases og dele erfaringer på konferencen "Fostering an Inclusive Culture at Aarhus University –…
As a postdoc, tenure-track staff, and newly recruited to a Danish university there is an expectation that you will be involved in fundraising.…
The opportunities for external funding related to the green transition are numerous and rich in information. In this webinar, we will go through…
Kom til åbent hus på AU Viborg, lørdag den 1. marts. Lige inden for hovedindgangen kan du besøge de mange forskellige stande, hvor du kan få svar på…
U-days er et åbent hus-arrangement over tre dage, hvor du kan møde studievejledere og høre studerende fortælle om deres uddannelser, om studielivet -…
Kig forbi AU Herning, gå på opdagelse og mærk stemningen. Du kan møde vores studerende, undervisere og studievejledere, som er klar til at vise dig…
Kom og hør, hvordan AU Cetera kan støtte dig, hvis du drømmer om at udbrede din forskning med kurser til det private og offentlige erhvervsliv.
Employees from the International Office share their experiences and benefits of using robots in their daily work.
The Villum Foundation has kindly offered to present the Villum Synergy Programme at a LIVE session at Aarhus University, 5th December. Following the…
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