AU’s new exam hall is ready to open its doors and will be the venue for all of AU’s on-site written exams in Aarhus from 1 May. Staff and students…
We all play a role in creating a good study environment – and we all need to watch out for each other. These are the main messages of the Be Nice Not…
78 per cent of AU employees have answered the questionnaire for WPA 2025. When the results are ready, local follow-up work can start at the individual…
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark has notified that they may put the entire service agreement on Food Quality and Consumer…
Join the Energy Lives project for two events focused on sustainability awareness and transitions at Aarhus University Campus.
Work on implementing the decisions from the Green Tripartite Agreement is in full swing. At the beginning of February 2025, the municipalities…
On Thursday 10 April 2025 International Staff Office invites you to the AU Workplace in Focus seminar.
A total of five research projects from Tech were awarded funds when Aarhus University's special pool for researchers, who wish to develop or expand…
Are you and your colleagues about to start a new external research collaboration? Help is at hand with the new standardised template for a memorandum…
In May, all students at AU will get access to the tools in the Microsoft 365 package, including Teams – just like AU staff. This will open up a range…
New generative AI tools like DeepSeek have prompted many employees to ask which tools they’re allowed to use – and what type of data they may upload…
Are you a researcher at Aarhus University with an idea to form a group across faculties around a shared research theme? Or do you have an idea for a…
On Tuesday 25 February, you’ll receive an email from Rambøll with a personal link to AU’s 2025 workplace assessment (WPA) survey. By completing the…
True to tradition, AU will once again be pitching its tents for the DHL Relay Fun Run in August, and all staff members are now invited to sign up for…
On Wednesday, 23 April 2025, Aarhus University will open its doors to the public for the annual Festival of Research. You can now submit your proposal…
Are you looking to publish your work or spend time at a university abroad? Apply now for publication or international mobility funding from the Aarhus…
In the period 1-24 February, staff at Aarhus University can fill out a form with the information needed to participate in the 2025 salary…
What’s it like to be an expert commentator in the media? Learn more about the role and get insider tips from Aarhus University’s most sought-after…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 1 and 2 February 2025, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
Keeping the information we process safe is a shared responsibility. By incorporating these six simple habits into your daily work routines, you can…
From 25 February, it will be time to conduct another workplace assessment at AU – known as a WPA. Here you can read more about the process.
The CED course catalogue for spring 2025 is ready, offering exciting opportunities for competency development in teaching and supervision. Whether you…
Dear all
In a few days, most of you will be going on holiday. When we meet again, we’ll have started a new year. Of course, much will still be the…
Four of Tech's departments have completed their research evaluations, and the next four are underway. We asked two of our departments what they have…
Now staff and students can apply for Circle U. funding for projects that contribute to strengthening inclusion and diversity. The application deadline…
Aarhus University’s board has approved the draft version of Aarhus University’s next strategy. Before final approval, employees and students now have…
Who has the decision-making authority to make what decisions at AU? And who can delegate what powers to whom? A new set of guidelines for AU managers…
Aarhus University is to enhance its engineering area by grouping the four engineering departments in a new part of the campus close to the University…
A legendary bell that heralded the beginning of the Battle of Als in 1864. Brandy production. Karen Blixen with a rifle. And a ravenous king. The…
Many new student representatives will soon take up their seats on AU’s councils, boards and committees. 18.24% of students voted.
In just one hour, you can gain a solid dose of inspiration. Over the coming months, we have arranged a series of exciting webinars focusing on topics…
PhD students at AU can now apply for a place in this spring’s research communication competition Three Minute Thesis (3MT). All participants will…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 16 and 17 November 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
The new guidelines are being put in place to help prevent the university’s research from falling into the wrong hands.
Climate and sustainability are in focus when Circle U. is hosting its very first Climate Day across the alliance in June 2025. Students and staff are…
The police have concluded that a malfunctioning UV disinfection system in the Social Sciences canteen caused the symptoms that led 23 AU students to…
In November, elections will be held at AU. This year, students and PhD students can vote and stand for election to various councils and committees.
Are you on your way to maternity leave, have you just returned, or have you already been navigating the challenges of having a research career while…
Aarhus University has once again been given a positive institutional accreditation by the Danish Accreditation Council. Pro-rector Berit Eika calls…
Many AU employees will be required to register their working time going forward, and the necessary guidelines and procedures are now in place.
On 5th September, a 1,708 square metre large solar panel installation opened at AU Roskilde, where the Department of Environmental Science, the…
Tech’s quality management system in science-based advice, which ensures documentation, transparency, and arm’s length to stakeholders and clients, is…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 14 and 15 September 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems…
Less air travel was one of the focus areas when Aarhus University unveiled its climate action plan for 2024 back in March. Departments and centres at…
Background checks on researchers and PhD students from high-threat countries will become part of the recruitment procedure at AU this autumn.…
Do you need to secure funding for a research project, trip or publication? Now is the time to apply to the AUFF – find out more about your options and…
On Friday 13 September, students will hold their annual sports day and Denmark’s biggest Friday bar in the University Park. Some car parks in the…
Strategically, Tech is in a good position with our focus on contributing to the green and digital transition. That was the overall message from Tech’s…
After exhaustive discussion, the senior management team has decided how the government’s ‘sector resizing’ agreement, which imposes caps on admissions…
Guiding principles for work-related use of GAI (generative artificial intelligence) are now in place for staff and managers. If you follow these seven…
A new act on registration of working hours will soon come into force in Denmark. Under the act, many staff at AU will be required to register their…
Over the summer, many of us are on holiday and staffing levels are lower than usual. Cybercriminals know this, which is why the summer is often peak…
The new education committees for Animal Science, Plant and Food Science, and Veterinary Medicine at AU Viborg have now been established. At the same…
Aarhus University has just been recommended for a positive institutional accreditation – an important seal of approval for the university's quality…
Once again, the university alliance Circle U. is offering seed funding for bottom-up projects driven by staff or students. 100,000 euros will be…
Under the new guidelines, sideline employment which presents a potential research security threat must be approved in advance.
Whether you are looking to develop more engaging lectures, participate in peer mentoring, or otherwise develop your teaching practice, the CED has…
Did you know that there are plenty of opportunities for advice and guidance when you want to attract or host a conference at AU? Here you can read…
Over two days, researchers, PhD students and fundraisers gathered to discuss how an interdisciplinary approach to research in the agrifood sector can…
During the summer months, you will have a smaller selection to choose from than usual in the canteens at the Nobel Park, the School of Dentistry and…
Maintaining the comprehensive quality management system that ensures the high quality of Tech's consultancy services is an ongoing endeavour. A new…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 20 and 21 April 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
Tech is rapidly evolving, and its specialisations and research areas are in high demand. Leading the talent and career development initiatives at Tech…
The senior mangement team's statement on the VIVE study of PhD students’ experiences of sexism and retention in research careers - circulated to AU's…
AU students are now allowed to use Copilot, ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI (GAI) in Bachelor’s projects, MA theses and in final FE exams.…
The new research support unit, Tech Research Support, is ready to help departments to attract more research funding to the faculty. You are welcome to…
Reduce air travel, continue to optimise energy use, and make sustainable purchases. With the 2024 climate action plan, AU is continuing its effort to…
START - Centre for Sustainable Agrifood Systems - has two new fundraisers on board. They will assist the START-engaged researchers at Aarhus…
The main building buzzed with life as around 400 curious young people and parents gathered for the open house event at AU Viborg on March 2nd.
START - Center for Sustainable Agrifood Systems - begins the new year by creating a new research Hub. The Hub will provide a space for research…
AU Viborg will host an open house event on Saturday 2 March. Prospective students can hear about the new degree programmes, get a sense of the unique…
From 14:00 to 18:00 on Wednesday 24 April 2024, Aarhus University will open its doors to the public for the annual Festival of Research in and around…
New course initiative provides an additional opportunity to support lifelong learning
From 2024 research support at Aarhus University will be restructured. As a result, Technical Sciences will be responsible for providing research…
Together with five other European consultancy institutions, at the end of November, Tech hosted an international course on research-based public…
Kickstart the new year with renewed energy. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger or simply feel better, there’s something for you at AU…
No matter if you want to learn more about learning technologies, get competent feedback from peers, or in some other way develop your teaching…
On Friday, December 1st, Christmas kicked off at AU Viborg with the traditional Nisse Race, which every year marks the beginning of the Christmas…
We will evaluate research at Tech over the next two years. The evaluation will be at three different rates, and it will build on discussions about the…
Now is the moment for you to reach out to your local occupational health and safety group if you would like to become an occupational health and…
The university elections are over. The votes have been counted, and the winning candidates have been announced. There are both new and returning…
Winter exams are fast approaching, and this year, a number of students and lecturers will begin using WISEflow – AU’s new system for digital exams.
Your vote will help decide which of your colleagues sits on the AU board, your academic council and your board of studies. You can cast your vote…
The graduate schools at Aarhus University invite all PhD students to apply to participate in the annual 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) competition. Are you…
IT maintenance work will affect a number of AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 18 - 19…
Thermostats in AU’s buildings will be set to between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius this heating season. This is in line with the Danish Working…
In week 43, all university students in Denmark will receive the survey by Digital Post. A high response rate is an essential tool for developing the…
The Windows 10 operating system will be phased out, Microsoft has announced. This means that about 8,000 staff computers at AU will need to upgrade to…
Dear employees and managers at Aarhus University
The seven political parties behind the Master’s reform have now agreed on a mandate for the…
Tech's course on research-based public sector consultancy is now compulsory for all employees working with public sector consultancy. Learn more about…
Filing ensures openness and transparency surrounding your work. However, you are also doing your future self and your colleagues a favour by filing.…
More than 900 employees from Tech attended this year's edition of the Tech Summer Hangout, which once again offered both professional inspiration and…
Agro Business Park is the new home for DCA – Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture from August 15th. Rest assured, DCA continues to offer the same…
In connection with the big Friday bar in the university park on Friday 8 September 2023, the outer doors in following buildings will be locked:
In his summer greeting, the Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Eskild Holm Nielsen, takes the opportunity to take stock of the first half of…
It went really well when the external audit of a number of departments and centres at Tech was carried out in connection with the recertification of…
Regardless of whether you want to learn more about learning technologies, get competent feedback from peers, or in some other way develop your…
Advice from Tech for the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and others through research-based public sector…
On 24 April, Nat and Tech published the first curriculum-based teaching schedule for the Department of Computer Science, Department of Geoscience and…
START – Centre for Sustainable Agrifood Systems – has contributed with concrete input to Horizon's evaluation when members of the START steering…
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