Charging stations on the way to AU Viborg

By the end of 2024, employees and students at AU Viborg will have the opportunity to charge their electric vehicles at 35 new charging stations located around the campus. Here, you can see where the stations will be placed.

If you commute to and from AU Viborg in an electric car, the opportunity to charge your vehicle while at work may have long been high on your wishlist. During the fall of 2024, this wish will come a step closer to fulfillment as Norlys begins installing charging stations around the campus.

The exact date when the new charging stations will be ready for use is not yet known, but it is expected to be in late autumn 2024. Below, you can see the 10 areas where the new charging stations will be located (marked in red).

If you have any questions about the upcoming charging stations, feel free to contact:

Ebbe Birch
Facility Manager AU Viborg
T: +45 20 80 34 24