Tools, guidelines and services for all staff members
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Many AU employees will be required to register their working time going forward, and the necessary guidelines and procedures are now in place.
Tech’s quality management system in science-based advice, which ensures documentation, transparency, and arm’s length to stakeholders and clients, is…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 14 and 15 September 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems…
Do you know your employment rights? Maybe you feel lost in all the AU systems? Or would like to meet new colleagues? Then join the AU Workplace in…
Jens Peter Christensen studied three different subjects before he applied for law. He was rejected at first, but the son of a stoker and World…
Members of staff and guests can now charge their electric or hybrid cars for a set length of time while parked at AU. A total of 25 EV charging bays…
One of the honourees plays a crucial role in the fight against HIV, and another has developed a method of growing vegetables in old mattresses. Aarhus…
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