Anniversary of the lockdown to be commemorated for students at NAT and TECH on Facebook
To commemorate the anniversary of the first corona lockdown on 11 March, students at NAT and TECH have been complemented for their patience and flexibility. As a reward for their endurance, students can enter a competition to win DKK 2,000 by summing up their life as a student under corona through poems, songs, photos, videos or other creative works.

The vice-deans for education, Kristine Kilså (NAT) and Finn Borchsenius (TECH), have organised the competition that has just been launched on the Facebook page for students at NAT and TECH, Nat-Tech -Aarhus University.
"We hope that in the spring we’ll be able to see a gradual reopening after corona. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, and Zoom won’t last forever," says Finn Borchsenius, who unfortunately cannot yet promise students anything specific on the reopening front.
Kristine Kilså describes the competition as follows:
"Thank you for your tremendous efforts and patience. To demonstrate our appreciation, we’ve launched a competition with a DKK 2,000 prize. To take part in the competition, you just have to say something creatively about your life as a student under corona."
The winner will be announced on 26 March.
See the video and the post at Nat-Tech - Aarhus University here.
Study environment at AU under pressure during corona
The AU study environment survey just published shows that student study satisfaction has been hit hard by a tough year under coronavirus. The competition will by no means fix this, but the vice-deans hope it will spread a little acknowledgement and joy.