Department of Animal Science gets a new name
The Department of Animal Science is changing its name to the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. The new name reflects the changes introduced by the new veterinary medicine programme.

Many of the department’s employees will be faced with new tasks and a shift in their academic focus when the department expands its active research and knowledge environment within animal science to include the new veterinary medicine programme at AU Viborg. Consequently, the department has just decided to change its name to the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences with the acronym ANIVET.
"With the decision to establish a veterinary medicine programme at AU Viborg – Research Center Foulum, we have embarked on a new era, and it makes sense to manifest this in the name of our department by making sure it emphasises the new activities we’re planning. I hope everyone will be pleased with the name, and that the implementation of it goes smoothly," says Charlotte Lauridsen, head of the department.
The name change was discussed by the local liaison committee on Wednesday and was approved by the AU board meeting yesterday. The extensive process of implementing the new name and its acronym in e.g. email addresses and online is now underway. The new name is expected to be implemented around 1 September, but you are welcome to use it from today.