New education committees and directors of studies have been appointed at AU Viborg

The new education committees for Animal Science, Plant and Food Science, and Veterinary Medicine at AU Viborg have now been established. At the same time, directors of studies have been appointed for the three new programmes.

The education committees at Tech are responsible for ensuring the subject-specific quality assurance and development of teaching and programmes at the faculty. In the individual committees, which also have the task of advising the head of the departments and the directors of studies, both students and instructors participate. Now, representatives for the education committees for the new programmes at AU Viborg have been appointed. See them below:

Education Committee for Plant and Food Science:

  • Margrethe Therkildsen
  • Hanne Lakkenborg
  • Bo Vangsø Iversen (Head of degree programme Plant and Food Science)
  • Mette Vestergård Madsen
  • Jim Rasmussen

Education Committee for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science:

  • Ricarda Margarete Engberg (Head of degree programme for Veterinary Medicine)
  • Mogens Agerbo Krogh
  • Tine Rousing (Head of degree programme for Animal Science)
  • Maria Eskildsen

The Education Committee for Agrobiology continues its work. Bernd Wollenweber remains the director of studies and Head of degree programme for the education.

You can read more about the work of the education committees here.

New directors of studies appointed
In the same context, the dean has appointed two new directors of studies for the three new programmes based on recommendations from the Board of Studies. The directors of studies will have daily responsibility for the practical organization and development of the programmes within their respective areas and will be part of the Tech Forum for Education, which spans across the faculty. The new directors of studies are:

  • Margrethe Therkildsen, Director of Studies for Plant and Food Science and Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology
  • Tine Rousing, Director of Studies for Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine

You can read more about the work of the directors of studies here.