Education Committees at Technical Sciences

Below, you will find an overview of the Education Committees, Heads of Degree Programmes, and Deputy Heads of Departments at the Faculty of Technical Sciences.

The Head of Degree Programme and/or Deputy Head of Department is written with a number – e.g. (8) - after his/her name. The number matches the degree programme.

Students on the Education Committees are not listed due to GDPR. 

The site is subject to ongoing change.

Bachelor's degree programme in Agrobiology (1) Master's degree programme in Agrobiology (2) Master's degree programme in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems (3) Master's degree in Agro-Environmental Management (4) and in Soils and Global Change (5)

Master's degree programme in Biomedical Technology/Biomedical Engineering (6)

Bachelor's degree programme in Biotechnology (7) Bachelor's degree programme in Chemical Engineering (8) The Master's degree programme in Chemistry and Biotechnology (9)

Bachelor's degree programme in Civil and Architectural Engineering (10) Master's degree programme in Civil and Architectural Engineering (11)

B.Eng degree programmes in Building and Building design (12)

Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Computer Engineering (13)

B.Eng degree programme in Electrical Power Technology (14)

B.Eng degree programme in Electrical Power Technology (Herning) (15)

B.Eng degree programme in Electronics (16)

  • Deputy Head of Department and Head of Degree Programme: Per Lysgaard (16) (  
  • Associate professor Martin Ansbjerg Kjær (  
  • Associate professor Henrik Olsen (
  • Associate professor Kim Bjerge (
  • Associate professor Thomas Nielsen (
  • Observer: Programme coordinator Kirsten Thesbjerg Jessen (

B.Eng degree Programme in Electronics (Herning) (17)

Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering (18)

B.Eng degree programmes in Chemistry Technology, Biotechnology and Food Technology (19)

  • Vice president of education: Associate professor Keld Lars Bak (
  • Head of programme for Biotechnologi: Associate professor Karin Stenderup (19) (
  • Head of programme for Chemistry Technology: Assistant professor Lasse Arnt Straasø (19) (
  • Head of programme for Food Technology: Assistant professor Bo Spange Sørensen (19) (
  • Observer: Programme coordinator Bjørg Brink Dalgaard (
  • Observer: Programme planner Stine Winther Kristensen (

B.Eng programme in Mechanical Engineering (Aarhus and Herning) (20)

B.Eng programme in Mechanical Engineering (Herning) (21)

Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering (22) Master's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering (23)

Master's degree programme in Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology (24)

Bachelor's degree programme and Master's degree programme in Plant and Food Science (25)

B.Eng degree programme in Software Technology (26)

B.Eng degree programme in Healthcare Technology (27)

Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in Veterinary Medicine (28) and Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in Animal Science (29)


Please send changes to representatives to:

Cecilie Rix Arildskov

Member of Administrative Staff