Board of studies for engineering sciences (BSE)

The Board of Studies takes care of the educational aspects, curriculum development and the practical planning of degree programmes and exams.

The structure of the Board of Studies ensures the co-determination and involvement of students and staff in programmes and teaching, and it caters for interdisciplinary and strategic work on education at Aarhus University.


Chair: Associate Professor Keld Lars Bak Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering

Proxy for the Chair: Professor Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering


Associate Professor Lars Erik Bräuner, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering

Associate Professor Per Lysgaard, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Associate Professor Ricarda Margarete Engberg, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 


Vice-chair: Matous Najman

Emil Lunau Bentsen

Emilie Lindgaard Toftbjerg

Marie-Louise Young Bengtsson


Malene Hald (Student Counsellor)

Maibritt Hjorth (Director of Studies)

Bernd Wollenweber (Director of Studies)

Bente Mattsson

Asger Steen Boisen